
Play Games

由於項目需要root安裝軟體,並且希望在合適的時候引導用戶去開啟root安裝,故需要檢測手機是否root。 最基本的判斷如下,直接運行一個底層命令。(參考https://github.com/Trinea/android-common/blob/master/src/cn/trinea/androi





  1     /**
  2      * check whether has root permission   3      *    4      * @return
  5      */
  6     public static boolean checkRootPermission() {   7         return execCommand("echo root", true, false).result == 0;   8     }   9     
 11     /**
 12      * execute shell commands  13      *   14      * @param commands  15      *            command array  16      * @param isRoot  17      *            whether need to run with root  18      * @param isNeedResultMsg  19      *            whether need result msg  20      * @return <ul>  21      *         <li>if isNeedResultMsg is false, {@link CommandResult#successMsg}  22      *         is null and {@link CommandResult#errorMsg} is null.</li>  23      *         <li>if {@link CommandResult#result} is -1, there maybe some  24      *         excepiton.</li>  25      *         </ul>  26      */
 27     public static CommandResult execCommand(String[] commands, boolean isRoot,  28             boolean isNeedResultMsg) {  29         int result = -1;  30         if (commands == null || commands.length == 0) {  31             return new CommandResult(result, null, null);  32         }  33 
 34         Process process = null;  35         BufferedReader successResult = null;  36         BufferedReader errorResult = null;  37         StringBuilder successMsg = null;  38         StringBuilder errorMsg = null;  39 
 40         DataOutputStream os = null;  41         try {  42             process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(  43                     isRoot ? COMMAND_SU : COMMAND_SH);  44             os = new DataOutputStream(process.getOutputStream());  45             for (String command : commands) {  46                 if (command == null) {  47                     continue;  48                 }  49 
 50                 // donnot use os.writeBytes(commmand), avoid chinese charset  51                 // error
 52                 os.write(command.getBytes());  53                 os.writeBytes(COMMAND_LINE_END);  54                 os.flush();  55             }  56             os.writeBytes(COMMAND_EXIT);  57             os.flush();  58 
 59             result = process.waitFor();  60             // get command result
 61             if (isNeedResultMsg) {  62                 successMsg = new StringBuilder();  63                 errorMsg = new StringBuilder();  64                 successResult = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(  65                         process.getInputStream()));  66                 errorResult = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(  67                         process.getErrorStream()));  68                 String s;  69                 while ((s = successResult.readLine()) != null) {  70                     successMsg.append(s);  71                 }  72                 while ((s = errorResult.readLine()) != null) {  73                     errorMsg.append(s);  74                 }  75             }  76         } catch (IOException e) {  77             e.printStackTrace();  78         } catch (Exception e) {  79             e.printStackTrace();  80         } finally {  81             try {  82                 if (os != null) {  83                     os.close();  84                 }  85                 if (successResult != null) {  86                     successResult.close();  87                 }  88                 if (errorResult != null) {  89                     errorResult.close();  90                 }  91             } catch (IOException e) {  92                 e.printStackTrace();  93             }  94 
 95             if (process != null) {  96                 process.destroy();  97             }  98         }  99         return new CommandResult(result, successMsg == null ? null
100                 : successMsg.toString(), errorMsg == null ? null
101                 : errorMsg.toString()); 102     } 103 
104     /**
105      * result of command, 106      * <ul> 107      * <li>{@link CommandResult#result} means result of command, 0 means normal, 108      * else means error, same to excute in linux shell</li> 109      * <li>{@link CommandResult#successMsg} means success message of command 110      * result</li> 111      * <li>{@link CommandResult#errorMsg} means error message of command result</li> 112      * </ul> 113      *  114      * @author Trinea 2013-5-16 115      */
116     public static class CommandResult { 117 
118         /** result of command **/
119         public int result; 120         /** success message of command result **/
121         public String successMsg; 122         /** error message of command result **/
123         public String errorMsg; 124 
125         public CommandResult(int result) { 126             this.result = result; 127         } 128 
129         public CommandResult(int result, String successMsg, String errorMsg) { 130             this.result = result; 131             this.successMsg = successMsg; 132             this.errorMsg = errorMsg; 133         } 134     }    /**
135      * execute shell command, default return result msg 136      *  137      * @param command 138      *            command 139      * @param isRoot 140      *            whether need to run with root 141      * @return
142      * @see ShellUtils#execCommand(String[], boolean, boolean) 143      */
144     public static CommandResult execCommand(String command, boolean isRoot) { 145         return execCommand(new String[] { command }, isRoot, true); 146     }









 1     /** 判斷是否具有ROOT許可權 ,此方法對有些手機無效,比如小米系列 */
 2     public static boolean isRoot() {  3 
 4         boolean res = false;  5 
 6         try {  7             if ((!new File("/system/bin/su").exists())  8                     && (!new File("/system/xbin/su").exists())) {  9                 res = false; 10             } else { 11                 res = true; 12             } 13             ; 14         } catch (Exception e) { 15             res = false; 16         } 17         return res; 18     }










在已root手機上(三星i9100 android 4.4),文件許可權(x或者s,s許可權,可參考http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-20809581-id-3141879.html)如下






 1     /** 判斷手機是否root,不彈出root請求框<br/> */
 2     public static boolean isRoot() {  3         String binPath = "/system/bin/su";  4         String xBinPath = "/system/xbin/su";  5         if (new File(binPath).exists() && isExecutable(binPath))  6             return true;  7         if (new File(xBinPath).exists() && isExecutable(xBinPath))  8             return true;  9         return false; 10     } 11 
12     private static boolean isExecutable(String filePath) { 13         Process p = null; 14         try { 15             p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("ls -l " + filePath); 16             // 獲取返回內容
17             BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( 18                     p.getInputStream())); 19             String str = in.readLine(); 20             Log.i(TAG, str); 21             if (str != null && str.length() >= 4) { 22                 char flag = str.charAt(3); 23                 if (flag == 's' || flag == 'x') 24                     return true; 25             } 26         } catch (IOException e) { 27             e.printStackTrace(); 28         }finally{ 29             if(p!=null){ 30                 p.destroy(); 31             } 32         } 33         return false; 34     }









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Play Games
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    Play Games
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