摘要:賬本資料庫融合了區塊鏈思想,將用戶操作記錄至兩種歷史表中:用戶歷史表和全局區塊表。 本文分享自華為雲社區《openGauss賬本資料庫,你不知道的那些事兒》,作者:Gauss松鼠會。 賬本資料庫融合了區塊鏈思想,將用戶操作記錄至兩種歷史表中:用戶歷史表和全局區塊表。當用戶創建防篡改用戶表時, ...
首先在這個SQL中我們可以看到WITH BLOCKCHAIN ,這裡說明創建出來的SCHEMA與普通的SCHEMA不同,但就行不同在哪裡我們後面會提到。
- 從語法解析看,增加了對BLOCKCHAIN的處理,標記了是否為賬本模式。
CreateSchema ::= CREATE SCHEMA schema_name
[ AUTHORIZATION user_name ] [WITH BLOCKCHAIN] [ schema_element [ ... ] ];
- CreateSchemaStmt 結構中增加了bool類型欄位hasBlockChain
typedef struct CreateSchemaStmt { NodeTag type; char *schemaname; /* the name of the schema to create */ char *authid; /* the owner of the created schema */ bool hasBlockChain; /* whether this schema has blockchain */ List *schemaElts; /* schema components (list of parsenodes) */ TempType temptype; /* if the schema is temp table's schema */ List *uuids; /* the list of uuid(only create sequence or table with serial type need) */ } CreateSchemaStmt;
賬本資料庫對於ALTER SCHEMA的幾個限制
if (withBlockchain && ((strncmp(nspName, "dbe_perf", STR_SCHEMA_NAME_LENGTH) == 0) || (strncmp(nspName, "snapshot", STR_SNAPSHOT_LENGTH) == 0))) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_OPERATE_FAILED), errmsg("The schema '%s' doesn't allow to alter to blockchain schema", nspName))); }
2)系統模式不能 ALTER 為blockchain模式。
if (withBlockchain && !g_instance.attr.attr_common.allowSystemTableMods && !u_sess->attr.attr_common.IsInplaceUpgrade && IsReservedName(nspName)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_RESERVED_NAME), errmsg("The system schema \"%s\" doesn't allow to alter to blockchain schema", nspName)));
/* * If the any table exists in the schema, do not change to ledger schema. */ StringInfo existTbl = TableExistInSchema(HeapTupleGetOid(tup), TABLE_TYPE_ANY); if (existTbl->len != 0) { if (withBlockchain) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_RESERVED_NAME), errmsg("It is not supported to change \"%s\" to blockchain schema which includes tables.", nspName))); } else { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_RESERVED_NAME), errmsg("It is not supported to change \"%s\" to normal schema which includes tables.", nspName))); } }
openGauss=# CREATE TABLE ledgernsp.usertable(id int, name text);
- 創建賬本表的同時會自動創建一個“歷史表”和“歷史表的索引”。
CreateCommand -> AlterCreateChainTables -> create_hist_relation
/* * AlterCreateChainTables * If it is a ledger usertable, that should invoking this function. * then create a history table. */ void AlterCreateChainTables(Oid relOid, Datum reloptions, CreateStmt *mainTblStmt) { Relation rel = NULL; rel = heap_open(relOid, AccessExclusiveLock); /* Ledger user table only support for the regular relation. */ if (!rel->rd_isblockchain) { heap_close(rel, NoLock); return; } create_hist_relation(rel, reloptions, mainTblStmt); heap_close(rel, NoLock); }
- 歷史表命名規則,參見函數get_hist_name
bool get_hist_name(Oid relid, const char *rel_name, char *hist_name, Oid nsp_oid, const char *nsp_name) { errno_t rc; if (!OidIsValid(relid) || rel_name == NULL) { return false; } nsp_oid = OidIsValid(nsp_oid) ? nsp_oid : get_rel_namespace(relid); nsp_name = (nsp_name == NULL) ? get_namespace_name(nsp_oid) : nsp_name; int part_hist_name_len = strlen(rel_name) + strlen(nsp_name) + 1; if (part_hist_name_len + strlen("_hist") >= NAMEDATALEN) { rc = snprintf_s(hist_name, NAMEDATALEN, NAMEDATALEN - 1, "%d_%d_hist", nsp_oid, relid); securec_check_ss(rc, "", ""); } else { rc = snprintf_s(hist_name, NAMEDATALEN, NAMEDATALEN - 1, "%s_%s_hist", nsp_name, rel_name); securec_check_ss(rc, "", ""); } return true; }
- 表名最大長度 #define NAMEDATALEN 64
- 如果沒有超過長度限制:schema_table_hist
- 如果超過長度限制:schema(oid)_talbe(oid)_hist,因為oid是unsigned int 類型最大值為4294967295為10位,所以這種命名規則的最大長度為10+1+10+1+4+\0=27,因此永遠不會超過最大長度64。
omm=# create schema aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa with blockchain; CREATE SCHEMA omm=# create table aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb(id int); CREATE TABLE
- 歷史表索引命名規則,參見函數get_hist_name
/* now create index for this new history table */ char hist_index_name[NAMEDATALEN]; rc = snprintf_s(hist_index_name, NAMEDATALEN, NAMEDATALEN - 1, "gs_hist_%u_index", relid);
- 命名規則:gs_hist_$(賬本表oid)_index。
openGauss=# INSERT INTO ledgernsp.usertable VALUES(1, 'alex'), (2, 'bob'), (3, 'peter'); INSERT 0 3 openGauss=# SELECT *, hash FROM ledgernsp.usertable ORDER BY id; id | name | hash ----+-------+------------------ 1 | alex | 1f2e543c580cb8c5 2 | bob | 8fcd74a8a6a4b484 3 | peter | f51b4b1b12d0354b (3 rows) openGauss=# UPDATE ledgernsp.usertable SET name = 'bob2' WHERE id = 2; UPDATE 1 openGauss=# SELECT *, hash FROM ledgernsp.usertable ORDER BY id; id | name | hash ----+-------+------------------ 1 | alex | 1f2e543c580cb8c5 2 | bob2 | 437761affbb7c605 3 | peter | f51b4b1b12d0354b (3 rows) openGauss=# DELETE FROM ledgernsp.usertable WHERE id = 3; DELETE 1 openGauss=# SELECT *, hash FROM ledgernsp.usertable ORDER BY id; id | name | hash ----+------+------------------ 1 | alex | 1f2e543c580cb8c5 2 | bob2 | 437761affbb7c605 (2 rows)
- 系統中需要有審計管理員或者具有審計管理員許可權的角色。
- 資料庫正常運行,並且對防篡改資料庫執行了一系列增、刪、改等操作,保證在查詢時段內有賬本操作記錄結果產生。
omm=# SELECT * FROM gs_global_chain; blocknum | dbname | username | starttime | relid | relnsp | relname | relhash | globalhash | txcommand ----------+--------+----------+-------------------------------+-------+-----------+-----------+------------------+----------------------------------+---------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | omm | omm | 2022-09-17 13:59:37.84824+00 | 16404 | ledgernsp | usertable | a41714001181a294 | 83927d11ba1fd678e8f4b0723a9cd5f2 | INSERT INTO led gernsp.usertable VALUES(1, 'alex'), (2, 'bob'), (3, 'peter'); 2 | omm | omm | 2022-09-17 13:59:51.723068+00 | 16404 | ledgernsp | usertable | b3a9ed0755131181 | b5ee73b6c20c817230182f6373c78e20 | UPDATE ledgerns p.usertable SET name = 'bob2' WHERE id = 2; 3 | omm | omm | 2022-09-17 13:59:58.159596+00 | 16404 | ledgernsp | usertable | 0ae4b4e4ed2fcab5 | 0cc9938cf7f1ed7f7f1a03c29954380a | DELETE FROM led gernsp.usertable WHERE id = 3; (3 rows)
- 註冊鉤子,在對賬本做修改操作的時候註冊的鉤子函數ledger_ExecutorEnd被回調。
/* * ledger_hook_init -- install of gchain block record hook. */ void ledger_hook_init(void) { t_thrd.security_ledger_cxt.prev_ExecutorEnd = (void *)ExecutorEnd_hook; ExecutorEnd_hook = ledger_ExecutorEnd; }
- 生成globalhash規則
ledger_ExecutorEnd --> ledger_gchain_append --> set_gchain_comb_string
--> get_next_g_blocknum
--> gen_global_hash
- set_gchain_comb_string,是一組字元串拼接成的:rel_name + nsp_name + query_string + rel_hash
- get_next_g_blocknum,用全局變數g_blocknum保存
- gen_global_hash,是的set_gchain_comb_string拼出來的串+上一條的hash值拼串然後再去hash——區塊鏈的基本原理
bool gen_global_hash(hash32_t *hash_buffer, const char *info_string, bool exist, const hash32_t *prev_hash) { errno_t rc = EOK; int comb_strlen; char *comb_string = NULL; /* * Previous block not exists means current insertion block is genesis, * then we use global systable as origin combine string for globalhash * generation. If previous block exists, we will use previous global * hash as combine string to calculate globalhash. */ if (!exist) { /* generate genesis block globalhash */ comb_strlen = strlen(GCHAIN_NAME) + strlen(info_string) + 1; comb_string = (char *)palloc0(comb_strlen); rc = snprintf_s(comb_string, comb_strlen, comb_strlen - 1, "%s%s", GCHAIN_NAME, info_string); securec_check_ss(rc, "", ""); } else { /* use previous globalhash and current block info to calculate globalhash. */ char *pre_hash_str = DatumGetCString(DirectFunctionCall1(hash32out, HASH32GetDatum(prev_hash))); comb_strlen = strlen(pre_hash_str) + strlen(info_string) + 1; comb_string = (char *)palloc0(comb_strlen); rc = snprintf_s(comb_string, comb_strlen, comb_strlen - 1, "%s%s", info_string, pre_hash_str); securec_check_ss(rc, "", ""); pfree_ext(pre_hash_str); } if (!pg_md5_binary(comb_string, comb_strlen - 1, hash_buffer->data)) { pfree(comb_string); ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY), errmsg("Failed to generate globalhash, out of memory"))); return false; } pfree(comb_string); return true; }
- 在src/gausskernel/runtime/executor/nodeModifyTable.cpp中更新_hist表的hash值。
- 通過set_user_tuple_hash得到賬本表hash列的值。
/* * set_user_tuple_hash -- calculate and fill the hash attribute of user table's tuple. * * tup: row data of user table * rel: user table * hash_exists: whether tuple comes with tuplehash. * * Note: if hash_exists is true, we should recompute * tuple hash and compare with tuplehash of itself. */ HeapTuple set_user_tuple_hash(HeapTuple tup, Relation rel, bool hash_exists) { uint64 row_hash = gen_user_tuple_hash(rel, tup); int hash_attrno = user_hash_attrno(rel->rd_att); if (hash_exists) { bool is_null; Datum hash = heap_getattr(tup, hash_attrno + 1, rel->rd_att, &is_null); if (is_null || row_hash != DatumGetUInt64(hash)) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_OPERATE_INVALID_PARAM), errmsg("Invalid tuple hash."))); } return tup; } Datum *values = NULL; bool *nulls = NULL; bool *replaces = NULL; /* Build modified tuple */ int2 nattrs = RelationGetNumberOfAttributes(rel); values = (Datum*)palloc0(nattrs * sizeof(Datum)); nulls = (bool*)palloc0(nattrs * sizeof(bool)); replaces = (bool*)palloc0(nattrs * sizeof(bool)); values[hash_attrno] = UInt64GetDatum(row_hash); replaces[hash_attrno] = true; HeapTuple newtup = heap_modify_tuple(tup, RelationGetDescr(rel), values, nulls, replaces); pfree_ext(values); pfree_ext(nulls); pfree_ext(replaces); return newtup; }
omm=# SELECT pg_catalog.ledger_hist_check('ledgernsp', 'usertable'); ledger_hist_check ------------------- t (1 row)
- 校驗用戶許可權 Only super user or audit admin have access right to blockchain nsp
/* Only super user or audit admin have access right to blockchain nsp */ if (nsp_oid == PG_BLOCKCHAIN_NAMESPACE) { return gs_blockchain_aclmask(roleid, mask); }
- 校驗歷史表hash值
is_hist_hash_identity --> get_usertable_hash_sum
--> get_histtable_hash_sum
/* * is_hist_hash_identity -- check whether user table hash and history table hash are equal * * relid: user table oid * res_hash: hash sum of history table */ bool is_hist_hash_identity(Oid relid, uint64 *res_hash) { uint64 user_hash_sum; uint64 hist_hash_sum; char hist_name[NAMEDATALEN]; char *rel_name = get_rel_name(relid); if (!get_hist_name(relid, rel_name, hist_name)) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_OBJECT), errmsg("get hist table name failed."))); } Oid histoid = get_relname_relid(hist_name, PG_BLOCKCHAIN_NAMESPACE); if (!OidIsValid(histoid)) { ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_OBJECT), errmsg("could not find hist table of \"%s\".", rel_name))); } user_hash_sum = get_usertable_hash_sum(relid); hist_hash_sum = get_histtable_hash_sum(histoid); *res_hash = hist_hash_sum; return user_hash_sum == hist_hash_sum; }
omm=# SELECT pg_catalog.ledger_gchain_check('ledgernsp', 'usertable'); ledger_gchain_check --------------------- t (1 row)
- 校驗是否為賬本表ledger_usertable_check
- 校驗用戶許可權has_ledger_consistent_privilege
- 校驗歷史表hash值is_hist_hash_identity
- 計算/校驗全局表hash get_gchain_relhash_sum
/* * get_gchain_relhash_sum -- calculate relhash from gs_global_chain * * relid: user table oid */ static uint64 get_gchain_relhash_sum(Oid relid) { uint64 relhash = 0; HeapTuple tuple = NULL; /* scan the gs_global_chain catalog by relid */ Relation gchain_rel = heap_open(GsGlobalChainRelationId, AccessShareLock); Form_gs_global_chain rdata = NULL; TableScanDesc scan = heap_beginscan(gchain_rel, SnapshotNow, 0, NULL); while ((tuple = heap_getnext(scan, ForwardScanDirection)) != NULL) { rdata = (Form_gs_global_chain)GETSTRUCT(tuple); if (rdata == NULL || rdata->relid != relid) { continue; } relhash += rdata->relhash; } heap_endscan(scan); heap_close(gchain_rel, AccessShareLock); return relhash; }
- 系統中需要有審計管理員或者具有審計管理員許可權的角色。
- 資料庫正常運行,並且對防篡改資料庫執行了一系列增、刪、改等操作,保證在查詢時段內有賬本操作記錄結果產生。
- 資料庫已經正確配置審計文件的存儲路徑audit_directory。
omm=# SELECT pg_catalog.ledger_hist_archive('ledgernsp', 'usertable'); ledger_hist_archive --------------------- t (1 row) omm=# SELECT * FROM blockchain.ledgernsp_usertable_hist; rec_num | hash_ins | hash_del | pre_hash ---------+------------------+------------------+---------------------------------- 4 | e78e75b00d396899 | 84e8bfc3b974e9cf | 6475a497b7a272a92bab012d7f3d615b (1 row)
- Copy user history table.
- Do unify and truncate.
- sum all hash_ins and hash_del for unification.
- Do real truncate.heap_truncate_one_rel
- Do insertion for unified row.simple_heap_insert
- Flush history hash table cache.
omm=# SELECT * FROM gs_global_chain; blocknum | dbname | username | starttime | relid | relnsp | relname | relhash | globalhash | txcommand ----------+--------+----------+-------------------------------+-------+-----------+-----------+------------------+----------------------------------+---------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- 1 | omm | omm | 2022-09-17 13:59:37.84824+00 | 16404 | ledgernsp | usertable | a41714001181a294 | 83927d11ba1fd678e8f4b0723a9cd5f2 | INSERT INTO led gernsp.usertable VALUES(1, 'alex'), (2, 'bob'), (3, 'peter'); 2 | omm | omm | 2022-09-17 13:59:51.723068+00 | 16404 | ledgernsp | usertable | b3a9ed0755131181 | b5ee73b6c20c817230182f6373c78e20 | UPDATE ledgerns p.usertable SET name = 'bob2' WHERE id = 2; 3 | omm | omm | 2022-09-17 13:59:58.159596+00 | 16404 | ledgernsp | usertable | 0ae4b4e4ed2fcab5 | 0cc9938cf7f1ed7f7f1a03c29954380a | DELETE FROM led gernsp.usertable WHERE id = 3; (3 rows) omm=# SELECT pg_catalog.ledger_gchain_archive(); ledger_gchain_archive ----------------------- t (1 row) omm=# SELECT * FROM gs_global_chain; blocknum | dbname | username | starttime | relid | relnsp | relname | relhash | globalhash | txcommand ----------+--------+----------+------------------------------+-------+-----------+-----------+------------------+----------------------------------+----------- 2 | omm | omm | 2022-09-17 13:59:37.84824+00 | 16404 | ledgernsp | usertable | 62a5b5ec53c47eca | 7252d09679b0b3836a2e63da17284ad5 | Archived. (1 row)
- Init and prepare bak dictionary.
- Using CopyStmt to copy global chain.
- Do unify and truncate.
- Using hash table to do unify, each hash_entry refers to one relid informations.
- Split gs_global_chain by relid, and accumulate rel_hash to a new record for each rel.
- Do rel truncate.
- Insert newest record to gchain order by relid.
- Flush global_hash cache.
- 系統中需要有審計管理員或者具有審計管理員許可權的角色。
- 資料庫正常運行,並且對防篡改資料庫執行了一系列增、刪、改等操作,保證在查詢時段內有賬本操作記錄結果產生。
omm=# select * from blockchain.ledgernsp_usertable_hist; rec_num | hash_ins | hash_del | pre_hash ---------+------------------+------------------+---------------------------------- 4 | e78e75b00d396899 | 84e8bfc3b974e9cf | 6475a497b7a272a92bab012d7f3d615b (1 row) omm=# SELECT pg_catalog.ledger_hist_repair('ledgernsp', 'usertable'); ledger_hist_repair -------------------- 0000000000000000 (1 row)
[drawio] (rHmeQ8HWKS_RFXgP-oTUZINZguxBYqh2IV64Y0j5TAA.svg)
omm=# select * from gs_global_chain ; blocknum | dbname | username | starttime | relid | relnsp | relname | relhash | globalhash | txcommand ----------+--------+----------+------------------------------+-------+-----------+-----------+------------------+----------------------------------+----------- 2 | omm | omm | 2022-09-17 13:59:37.84824+00 | 16404 | ledgernsp | usertable | 62a5b5ec53c47eca | 7252d09679b0b3836a2e63da17284ad5 | Archived. (1 row) omm=# SELECT pg_catalog.ledger_gchain_repair('ledgernsp', 'usertable'); ledger_gchain_repair ---------------------- 62a5b5ec53c47eca (1 row)
/* * get_gchain_relhash_sum -- calculate relhash from gs_global_chain * * relid: user table oid */ static uint64 get_gchain_relhash_sum(Oid relid) { uint64 relhash = 0; HeapTuple tuple = NULL; /* scan the gs_global_chain catalog by relid */ Relation gchain_rel = heap_open(GsGlobalChainRelationId, AccessShareLock); Form_gs_global_chain rdata = NULL; TableScanDesc scan = heap_beginscan(gchain_rel, SnapshotNow, 0, NULL); while ((tuple = heap_getnext(scan, ForwardScanDirection)) != NULL) { rdata = (Form_gs_global_chain)GETSTRUCT(tuple); if (rdata == NULL || rdata->relid != relid) { continue; } relhash += rdata->relhash; } heap_endscan(scan); heap_close(gchain_rel, AccessShareLock); return relhash; }
賬本資料庫其實並不像我們想象的那麼複製,實際上就是利用了區塊鏈的最基本的原理,即當前記錄的特征值 + 上一條記錄特征值的hash值,再進行hash。下一條與上一條記錄具有數據關聯性,形成“鏈”的結構,如果篡改了其中的數據,則會導致“鏈”斷開,導致不能與後面數據記錄形成hash關聯。_hist表記錄了用戶表每一步數據變化的過程,gs_global_chain表記錄了所有防篡改模式下對用戶表的操作記錄。用戶表結合_hist和global表就能完整記錄和校驗。