C Primer Plus (7.12) 編程練習

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/*C Primer Plus (7.11) 3*/ 1 #include<stdio.h> 2 int main() 3 { 4 double weight,height; 5 printf("Please enter your weight and height.\n"); 6 printf(" ...

/*C Primer Plus (7.11) 3*/

 1 #include<stdio.h>
 2 int main()
 3 {
 4     double weight,height;
 5     printf("Please enter your weight and height.\n");
 6     printf("Weight (pound):");
 7     scanf("%lf",&weight);
 8     printf("Height (inch):");
 9     scanf("%lf",&height);
10 //加入建立比較友好的人機交互
11     if (weight < 100 && height > 64)
12         if (height >= 72)
13         printf("You are very tall for your weight.\n");
14     else
15         printf("You are tall for your weight.\n");
16     else if (weight > 300 && height < 48)
17         printf("You are quite short for your weight.\n");
18     else
19         printf("Your weight is ideal.\n");
20 //減少沒有用的if判斷條件
21     return 0;
22 }
23 /*
24 輸出樣例
26 Please enter your weight and height.
27 Weight (pound):99
28 Height (inch):65
29 You are tall for your weight.
31 Please enter your weight and height.
32 Weight (pound):98
33 Height (inch):72
34 You are very tall for your weight.
36 Please enter your weight and height.
37 Weight (pound):301
38 Height (inch):46
39 You are quite short for your weight.
41 Please enter your weight and height.
42 Weight (pound):200
43 Height (inch):50
44 Your weight is ideal.
46 */

/*C Primer Plus (7.11) 10*/

 1 #include<stdio.h>
 2 int main()
 3 {
 4     char ch;
 6     while ((ch=getchar()) != '#')
 7     {
 8         if (ch != '\n')
 9         {
10             printf("Step 1\n");
11             if (ch == 'b')
12                 break;
13             else if (ch !='c')
14             {
15                 if (ch != 'h')
16                     printf("Step 2\n");
17                     printf("Step 3\n");
18             }
19         }
20     }
21     printf("Done.\n");
22     return 0;
23 }
24 /*
25 輸出樣例
27 q
28 Step 1
29 Step 2
30 Step 3
31 c
32 Step 1
33 h
34 Step 1
35 Step 3
36 b
37 Step 1
38 Done.
40 */

/*C Primer Plus (7.12) 1*/

 1 #include<stdio.h>
 2 int main()
 3 {
 4     int space, linebreak, others;
 5     int realothers = 0;
 6     char ch;
 7     space = linebreak = others = 0;
 9     printf("Please enter some characters (# to quit).\n");
10     while ((ch = getchar()) != '#')
11     {
12         if (ch == ' ' ? space++ : others++ && ch == '\n' ? linebreak++ : others++);
13     }
14     realothers = others / 2;
15     printf("These are the number of characters required for statistics.\n");
16     printf("Space : %d" ,space);
17     printf("\nLinebreak : %d" ,linebreak);
18     printf("\nOthers: %d" ,realothers);
20     return 0;
21 }
22 /*
23 輸出樣例
25 Please enter some characters (# to quit).
26 Hello,My name is Coco.
27 Hello. My name is Mike !#
28 These are the number of characters required for statistics.
29 Space : 8
30 Linebreak : 1
31 Others: 38
33 */

/*C Primer Plus (7.12) 2*/

 1 #include<stdio.h>
 2 int main(void)
 3 {
 4     int i = 0;
 5     char ch;
 7     printf("Please enter some characters (# to quit):");
 8     while ((ch = getchar()) != '#')
 9     {
10         if (i++ % 8 == 0)
11         {
12             putchar('\n');                     //每輸出8個字元的信息就進行一次換行操作
13         }
14         if (ch == '\n')
15         {
16             printf("\'\\n\' -> %2d ",ch);
17         }
18         else if (ch == '\t')
19         {
20             printf("\'\\t\' -> %2d ",ch);
21         }
22         else
23         {
24             printf("\'%c\' -> %2d ",ch,ch);
25         }
26     }
27     printf("\nDone.");
29     return 0;
30 }
31 /*
32 輸出樣例
34 Please enter some characters (# to quit):KurokiTomoko#
36 'K' -> 75 'u' -> 117 'r' -> 114 'o' -> 111 'k' -> 107 'i' -> 105 'T' -> 84 'o' -> 111
37 'm' -> 109 'o' -> 111 'k' -> 107 'o' -> 111
38 Done.
40 */

/*C Primer Plus (7.12) 3*/

 1 #include<stdio.h>
 2 int main()
 3 {
 4     int num;
 5     int even,odd;                    //偶數的個數,奇數的個數
 6     int e_sum,o_sum;
 7     double e_value,o_value;          //偶數和的平均值,奇數和的平均值
 8     even = odd = num = e_sum = o_sum = 0;
 9     e_value = o_value =0.0;
10     printf("Please enter some integer numbers.\n");
11     printf("The result your entered (0 to quit) : ");
12     while (scanf("%d",&num) == 1 && num)
13     {
14         (num % 2 == 0 ? (even++, e_sum += num) : (odd++, o_sum += num));
15         printf("Now you can enter again (0 to quit) : ");
16     }
17     printf("There are %d even numbers.\n",even);
18     if (even > 0)
19     {
20         e_value = e_sum / (double)even;
21         printf("The average of even numbers is : %.3lf\n",e_value);
22     }
23     printf("There are %d odd numbers.\n",odd);
24     if (odd > 0)
25     {
26         o_value = o_sum / (double)odd;
27         printf("The average of odd numbers is : %.3lf",o_value);
28     }
29     printf("\nDone.");
30     return 0;
31 }
32 /*
33 輸出樣例
35 Please enter some integer numbers.
36 The result your entered (0 to quit) : 1
37 Now you can enter again (0 to quit) : 2
38 Now you can enter again (0 to quit) : 3
39 Now you can enter again (0 to quit) : 4
40 Now you can enter again (0 to quit) : 5
41 Now you can enter again (0 to quit) : 6
42 Now you can enter again (0 to quit) : 7
43 Now you can enter again (0 to quit) : 8
44 Now you can enter again (0 to quit) : 9
45 Now you can enter again (0 to quit) : 0
46 There are 4 even numbers.
47 The average of even numbers is : 5.000
48 There are 5 odd numbers.
49 The average of odd numbers is : 5.000
50 Done.
52 */

/*C Primer Plus (7.12) 4*/

 1 #include<stdio.h>
 2 int main()
 3 {
 4     char ch;
 5     int count1 = 0;
 6     int count2 = 0;
 7     printf("Please enter the text you want (enter '#' to quit).");
 8     printf("\nNow please enter : ");
 9     while ((ch = getchar()) != '#')
10     {
11         if (ch == '.')
12         {
13             putchar('!');
14             count1++;
15         }
16         else if (ch == '!')
17         {
18             printf("!!");
19             count2++;
20         }
21         else
22         {
23             putchar(ch);
24         }
25     }
26     printf("The number of times an exclamation mark "
27            "has been replaced with a period is : %d",count1);
28     printf("\nThe number of times an exclamation mark "
29            "is replaced by two exclamations is : %d",count2);
30     printf("\nDone.");
32     return 0;
33 }
34 /*
35 輸出樣例
37 Please enter the text you want (enter '#' to quit).
38 Now please enter : !!!!!.....
39 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
40 #
41 The number of times an exclamation mark has been replaced with a period is : 5
42 The number of times an exclamation mark is replaced by two exclamations is : 5
43 Done.
45 */

/*C Primer Plus (7.12) 5*/

int main()
    char ch;
    int count1 = 0;
    int count2 = 0;
    printf("Please enter the text you want (enter '#' to quit).");
    printf("\nNow please enter : ");
    while ((ch = getchar()) != '#')
        case '.':
        case '!':
    printf("The number of times an exclamation mark "
           "has been replaced with a period is : %d",count1);
    printf("\nThe number of times an exclamation mark "
           "is replaced by two exclamations is : %d",count2);

    return 0;

Please enter the text you want (enter '#' to quit).
Now please enter : Hello, This is Coconut !
Hello, This is Coconut !!
My name is Coconut.
My name is Coconut!
The number of times an exclamation mark has been replaced with a period is : 1
The number of times an exclamation mark is replaced by two exclamations is : 1


/*C Primer Plus (7.12) 6*/

int main()
    int count = 0;
    char ch;
    char prev;            //讀取的前一個字元
    printf("Please enter some characters ('#' to quit):");
    prev = '#';          //前一個字元為“#”的時候會停止(用於識別結束符號)
    while ((ch = getchar()) != '#')
        if(prev == 'e' && ch == 'i')
        prev = ch;
    printf("There %d ei in this sentence.",count);

    return 0;

Please enter some characters ('#' to quit):Receive your eieio award.#
There 3 ei in this sentence.


/*C Primer Plus (7.12) 7*/

#define BASIC_SALARY 10.00
#define EXTRA_WORK 1.5
#define NORMAL_TAX 0.15
#define EXTRA_TAX 0.20
#define OTHER_TAX 0.25
int main()
    double worktime = 0.0;
    double salary,tax,netincome;
    salary = tax = netincome = 0.0;
    printf("Please enter your "
           "working hours in a week : ");
    while (scanf("%lf",&worktime) != 1 || worktime <= 0)
        while (getchar() != '\n') continue;
        printf("Please enter a right number( >= 0 ).");
    salary = worktime > 40 ? (40.00 * BASIC_SALARY) + (1.5 * (worktime - 40)) * BASIC_SALARY : worktime * BASIC_SALARY;
    if (salary <= 300)
        tax = 300.00 * NORMAL_TAX;
        netincome = salary - tax;
    else if (salary <= 450)
        tax = 300.00 * NORMAL_TAX + (salary - 300.00) * EXTRA_TAX;
        netincome = salary - tax;
        tax = 300.00 * NORMAL_TAX + 150.00 * EXTRA_TAX + (salary - 450.00) * OTHER_TAX;
        netincome = salary - tax;
    printf("There is your salary, tax and net income information.\n");
    printf("Salary : %.3lf",salary);
    printf("\nTax : %.3lf",tax);
    printf("\nNet income : %.3lf",netincome);

    return 0;

Please enter your working hours in a week : 300
There is your salary, tax and net income information.
Salary : 4300.000
Tax : 1037.500
Net income : 3262.500

Please enter your working hours in a week : 450
There is your salary, tax and net income information.
Salary : 6550.000
Tax : 1600.000
Net income : 4950.000

Please enter your working hours in a week : 521.73
There is your salary, tax and net income information.
Salary : 7625.950
Tax : 1868.988
Net income : 5756.963

/*C Primer Plus (7.12) 8*/

#define EXTRA_WORK 1.5
#define NORMAL_TAX 0.15
#define EXTRA_TAX 0.20
#define OTHER_TAX 0.25
void quit ();
void menu ();
void Salary (double Bsalary , double worktime);

int choice = 0;
double worktime = 0.0;

int main()
    while (true)
         menu ();

        case 1 :
        case 2 :
        case 3 :
        case 4 :
        case 5 :
               return 0;

void quit()
    printf("||                                            ||");
    printf("\n||                                            ||");
    printf("\n||      Thank you to use this programme!      ||");
    printf("\n||                                            ||");
    printf("\n||                                            ||");

void menu()
    printf("Enter the number corresponding to the desired pay rate or action:\n");
    printf("1) $8.75/hr                          2) $9.33/hr");
    printf("\n3) $10.00/hr                         4) $11.20/hr\n");
    printf("5) quit");
    printf("Please enter your options: ");
    while (choice != 1 && choice != 2 && choice != 3 && choice != 4 && choice != 5)
        printf("Please enter the right choice:");

void Salary(double Bsalary , double worktime)
  double tax,netincome,salary;
  salary = tax = netincome = 0.0;
  printf("Please enter your working hours in a week : ");

    while (scanf("%lf",&worktime) != 1 || worktime <= 0)
        while (getchar() != '\n') continue;
        printf("Please enter a right number( >= 0 ).	   


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